Established in 2004, the Midlands Meander Education Project (MMEP) provides meaningful education to 20 schools and reaches over 6000 children annually, covering the area from the Cedara to the Mooi River.

Reaching over 6000 children annually
By bringing lessons to life with creativity, fun and a little bit of magic our education facilitators, the Bugs, encourage children to be curious, capable and creative. Each facilitator has a specialist subject from English, Maths, Technology, Life Skills and Permaculture. The facilitators visit our network of schools regularly and co-teach with the class teachers, CAPS aligned lessons. Lessons often include practical elements which transform abstract theory to concrete understanding. The lessons also cater to various learning styles by including visual, kinesthetic and auditory components.
The MMEP also runs community projects. The Mpophomeni Enviro-Club is a weekend club for children with an interest in the environment. The Super Bug Club meets monthly and is a safe space for vulnerable children to talk. It is run by a social worker. The Sisonke- Now or Never Network for social workers was established by the MMEP as a referral organisation for children at the Super Bug Club. It is an opportunity for social workers to debrief with those who understand their work.
Last year the MMEP piloted Lisakhanya, an experiential initiative course for school leavers from the Mpophomeni community, in which they are encouraged to think for themselves and solve problems. Each year the community project encourages community awareness and responsibility. The participants establish a need in the community and solve it with a sustainable solution. Lisakhanya also aims to increase the ability of school leavers to seek out meaningful careers and research study opportunities. Lisakhanya is facilitated by an experienced life coach and a business trainer.
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