Imonti Tours is a tour operator based in East London in the Eastern Cape whose owner has received the accolade at the Buffalo City Metro’s Lilizela awards honouring it as the best in the tourism industry. Packages include the Township Tour and the Nelson Mandela Early Childhood Tour. Velile “Veza” Ndlumbini, owner and tourist guide of Imonti Tours kindly showed the EXPEDITION Project team five different projects situated within the second largest township in South Africa.

Award winning tour operator with a local community project focus
The first project was a soup kitchen run by Sister Nobulali. At Econno Kitchens, they do the amazing job of feeding both old and young in the local area. They also grow some of the produce they use for the feeding programme on the property.
The second project visited was Zamani Day Care Center with Miss Yoyo, a lively atmosphere and children singing songs as the team joined in with some of the actions.
Mdantsane Arts Center was next. Here they teach music, art and drama to youth. The team met with a few of the inspirational people who work here including the music teacher who is passionate about passing on his skills. There is nothing he won’t say no to in terms of teaching new instruments to anyone who is keen. He sang for them as well!
More music was in store with the GBM Music Academy, a great place where a local band comes to practice as well as teach local children how to play music.
The last project of the day was Ubuntu Rescue a Child at Risk Center. All of the children were back at “home” after school so they saw the centre in full swing. Most of the children were playing outside so they were able to look around the talk with the passionate woman who runs the centre.
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