Agulhas Biodiversity Initiative, Bredasdorp

The Agulhas Biodiversity Initiative is a landscape initiative. We work with partners across the Agulhas Plain and broader Overberg in the Western Cape of South Africa, using a landscape-level approach to facilitate conservation.

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What does this mean?

Well, see ABI as the mother ship – the platform where all organisations and partners involved in conservation and social development meet, update each other, inspire each other and find areas of cooperation.From here, our partners exit the mother ship and return to their daily duties – with new knowledge, ideas and support.

Now we’re strengthening and broadening these partnerships

With government, landowners, conservation organisations, the private sector, and any other individual and body involved in the management and use of our area’s natural assets.

We work according to four theme areas, each with their own theme leader. These are:

  1.  Integrated land-use planning (including controlling invasive alien plants)
  2. Viable nature-based, Responsible tourism
  3. Environmental education
  4. Transitioning to a Green Economy


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