Muisbosskerm, Lambert’s Bay

The first and original open air restaurant

For a seafood experience of a lifetime, unique to the West Coast, pay a visit to Muisbosskerm.

What started off as a hobby to entertain family and friends – soon turned into a business. 1986 The Muisbosskerm opened it’s “doors” to the world…

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Voted one of the "Top Ten Sea Views to Dine For" by National Geographic

Voted one of the “Top Ten Sea Views to Dine For” by National Geographic

One of the top ten things to do in South Africa according to “Getaway’s Top Ten”, published by Readers Digest.

We offer the West Coast’s most sought after seafood dishes.

The West Coast is well known for it’s crayfish and we offer a wide variety of fish, baked, smoked and grilled, the traditional “waterblommetjie-” and “hotnotskool” stew, to the ever fresh homemade bread straight from the clay-oven, with home made “plaasbotter” and the region’s famous “Hanepoot korrelkonfyt”. This is just a few kinds to choose from in this self-help meal.


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