The ICDP Trust was established in 2005 by Kingswood College in Grahamstown, as a vehicle for community engagement activities and to facilitate development in the surrounding community.
Integrated Community Development Program
The main site of activity is the Lebone Centre, which is home to a preschool, an after-care enrichment programme for vulnerable children, and a comprehensive literacy programme.
The Centre is located in a previously disadvantaged area and aims to work in partnership with the relevant communities to address the effects of poverty and help children to maximize their potential. The approach is a holistic one that aims to work in an in-depth way that involves families and all the aspects of a child’s life (social, emotional, physical and intellectual), as well as interacting with children along the age spectrum.
The Trust is a registered NPO and functions under a Board of Trustees chaired by Dr Barbara Matthews. There are 5 full-time and 5 part-time staff members.
Many of the activities of the Centre operate through partnerships with local schools, Rhodes University, other non-government organizations and the local media. In 2011, the Lebone Centre won the Community Partner of the Year Award from the Rhodes Community Engagement Office.
Kingswood College contributes by way of providing the premises (and related maintenance at the Centre) as well as support services such as the computer network and financial services. Funds for the running of the programmes are sourced from trusts, foundations, private donors and local businesses.
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