
110 Days to Go!

A big week lay ahead of us on Monday 5 September 2011, It was the final countdown to the launch of our website, the Rugby World Cup was due to start in New Zealand in which South Africa would be defending their title as 2007 RWC champions and the week would close on the anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy (today).

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117 Days to Go!

Spring is here, 5 days until our website launch (and the Rugby World Cup) and 117 days until our foundation project sets off in January 2012!

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The Countdown Has Begun!…

Contrasts converge in South Africa to create a vivid culture that is legendary and matchless. Races, religions, languages and cultures are vibrant accents rather than divisive polarities. Ocean, desert, forest, mountain, grassland – all form part of the flamboyant landscape tapestry. But the characteristic paradox that makes SouthAfricasuch a unique nation casts a shadow too. The gold underground does not wipe out extreme poverty. Patchwork shacks fringe luxury estates. Our state-of-the-art weapons cannot defend our threatened wildlife.

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Journey to drive change
Certified Social Enterprise 2021 Top Online Program Innovation in Online Programming