90 Days To Go!


90 days to go until our foundation EXPEDITION 2012!

First of all, for those of you that haven’t yet visited our website – you gotta check it out! It’s looking awesome!

We had a great chat with Dirk from What’s Up Cape Town – the long chat provide us both with something to think about. What was clear in the discussion though is that we are on the same page for working together! Great news! Publicity is a big part of our build-up campaign and Dirk and his team are specialists in this field.

Nowlandle from Stanlib had an enthusiastic chat with Roger on Thursday – her next step is convincing the Stanlib ‘powers that be’ to get involved! Stanlib’s focus would be mainly on The EXPEDITION Project Education wing. This matches up ideally with their CSI mandate.

Collaboration, collaboration, collaboration, it’s all about collaboration! Join us!

We are now starting to get applications through our website which is fantastic. Keep them coming.

Our Help From Home Change Network is where we call on you for support and assistance.

We need support from everyone in South Africa and eventually the world. Our goal is collaboration and our objective: FUTURE: POSSIBLE

We want to drive transformation with you, creating environmental and social initiatives that begin to snowball and develop solutions and cooperation for real, practical visions and innovative thinkers.

So here’s how it works:

  1. Sign up: Send us your details on our website application form
  2. Inspire: Spread the word via all our social media channels and talk about our mission with your friends and family. Get everyone you know interested and involved
  3. Build: Help us by setting up our own household, company or community ‘Help From Home Change Network’ and build our team each day
  4. Follow: Watch out for our updates, challenges, tips and task lists
  5. Participate: Send us YOUR ideas, comments, feedback and thoughts

See:  Help From Home for more details.

Warren and Gen from Firestarter have been working on a clip to show at next week’s UCT Green Film Festival – can’t wait! The soundtrack will be courtesy of Wewok – ‘Africa’. Thanks, guys!

We will also have an info stand at UCT’s Green Campus Initiative next week – come by for a chat if you are in the area. We will be sharing a stand with our merchandise partners ‘I Am Green’. You might even get some free gear and ‘living gifts’!

This week we also have promising chats with MTN, Tshikululu, First Rand Foundation, FNB & Vitamin Water – but only time will tell if they will join in the EXPEDITION dream. Unfortunately in this game, it’s all about who you know and of course the right timing.

We are still waiting on the following big fish:

  1. Nedbank
  2. Billabong
  3. Dept Trade and Industry/SEDA

We are certain that their final comeback will be positive!

Finally, October is the time we get in contact with 200 towns and municipalities for the 2012 Foundation Year Project. With this we need YOUR help – please let us know if you are willing to act as, or set up, a contact for our 2012 team in your town. You never know if you could become your town’s EXPEDITION Project representative. We are also looking for host families for one night per year to accommodate a team member or two as we pass through your town. If you are willing to help out, please get in touch with us. By helping us in any of these ways, you will automatically become a part of our team, receive an EXPEDITION t-shirt and you never know, it might be you travelling the country in the coming years.

That’s it for this week, but…

Until next week!

The EXPEDITION Project Team,

Cape Town, South Africa

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By Volunteers. For Change-Makers
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