The Past, Present and Future of Sports Development in South Africa

“There should be legislation that if you invest in the top of sport, you should also invest in the bottom.”

Sporting Chance’s MD Brad Bing shared his thoughts with the The Financial Mail on sports development in South Africa.

Brad Bing, the pioneer of grassroots games, worries about the future as getting access to up-and-coming achievers becomes difficult.

Brad Bing doesn’t shout about all the stars he’s “discovered”, but there are more than a few champions whose interest in sport was first piqued at a Sporting Chance clinic.

The Sporting Chance Foundation, Bing’s creation, operates at the grassroots of sport. It began with an idea more than 30 years ago, when he put his passion into practice and gave many children a healthy outlet for their holiday energy in cricket clinics. Bing came from a famous Western Province cricket family and once no average player himself, began with the sport he loved, but it soon expanded…

Source: Financial Mail

Sporting Chance’s prime objective is to provide opportunities for sporting achievement for as many children as possible – irrespective of race, gender or social class – by offering professional coaching within all community sectors. Based on the knowledge that the foundation for sporting ability is laid during the formative years, Sporting Chance advocates and implements various programmes for coaching school-age children.

Sporting Chance’s philosophy is to get children off the streets, or away from their computer games and TV’s and instil in them, a love of sport. With disciplined, structured coaching that strikes a balance between sports, academics, and “play”, Sporting Chance has developed some of South Africa’s most promising sportspeople.

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