A break in the weather enabled us to visit Rivendell Wine Estate near Botrivier with its sweeping views over the vineyards from its wine tasting area and bistro.
Rivendell’s mascot, Wetsi, stands pride of place welcoming visitors and clearly communicating their commitment to the Save the Rhino Project. Visitors can support this initiative directly and tie a ribbon on to Wetsi as a pledge of their commitment to saving the endangered rhinoceros.
In addition, proceeds from Rivendell’s sales of Mitzi Blue Africa chocolate and Whale Coast Conservation ‘bead-by-bead’ bracelets go towards awareness raising and anti-poaching activities of organisations such as the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA) and the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT).
A big thank you to Rivendell Wine Estate for a wonderful lunch, accompanied by a delicious shiraz and finished off with a rhino biscuit!
For more information about Rivendell Wine Estate and their efforts to support rhino conservation, visit www.rivendell-estate.co.za or www.whalecoastconservation.org.za.
The EXPEDITION Project team would like to thank the following for their generous support along the way: