#TEP2013 Route 3 – Project Hunting in the Karoo

In Victoria West, for example, chatting to people in the street led us to a bundle of government funded social initiatives including a soup kitchen for the youth and elderly, and a variety of skills development programs for the unemployed.

Unexpected, old fashioned charm welcomed us to Matjiesfontein. In addition to taking in the touristy highlights, however, we also managed to find a government-sponsored herb garden and nursery that looked like it had some real potential.

A great up and coming swop shop project that we found in Prince Albert has already seen some significant success after only a year of being in operation. Children in the community bring recyclable materials to the swop shop where they are weighed in exchange for points. Points can then be used to purchase a meal or something from the shop, which s stocked with various items, ranging from food to pencil cases and clothing, most of which are donated by local people.

The EXPEDITION Project team would like to thank the following for their generous support along the way:

De Oude Pastorie, Victoria West

Last Resort, Victoria West

Lord Milner Hotel, Matjiesfontein

Onse Rus Guesthouse, Prince Albert

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