Part 2: There has long been a pervasive belief that high salaries in charities are inherently a problem. Many donors and supporters still cling to the outdated idea that charity workers, in order to be virtuous, should also be underpaid.
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Part 1: In both the business and non-profit worlds, the metrics we use to measure success are evolving. Traditionally, organizations have been judged by their inputs—how much they spend, how many staff they hire, or how quickly they grow.
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For some donors, the thought never crosses their minds, but for others, they want to know the ‘what, when, where, how and how much’ side of things. Here is a breakdown of fees, third-party fundraising sites, restricted and unrestricted funding and more…
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In 2012 Roger spent 250 days on the road visiting 101 projects in 192 towns to gather information and research success stories and challenges. This was made possible with the help of over 172 local sponsors who hosted me for a night. This laid the foundations of who The Expedition Project hoped to work with, and where The Expedition Project wanted to focus its attention.
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The Founder of The Expedition Project examines some key decisions over not just the last 10 years, but the 20 years prior to The Expedition Project’s launch.
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By Volunteers. For Change-Makers