The consultancy arm of The EXPEDITION Project helps charities, not for profits and social enterprises develop sustainable practices to raise more funds for their causes, become more resilient and create more meaningful partnerships.
We understand that overheads need to be keep down and consultancy can often be the most cost effective and productive use of valuable financial resources.
Most importantly, our insight, advice, professional support and contacts could help with:
Strategy – Charity, Trust, Foundation or Social Enterprise?
Fundraising – Strengthening cash flow, investment, fundraising and online auctions
Governance – Improving governance, team development and organisation policies
Marketing – Website design, video campaigns and social media growth
Through our annual expeditions we have partnered with hundreds of organisations across South Africa. These could be your connections, clients or collaborators. Every year we gather more information and research of the successes and failures of projects with one main goal in common – maximising delivery of their product or service to their chosen stakeholder. This applies to charities, tourism organisations, individual projects and social enterprises.